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Setting Up


Messaging settings in Fit Studio Manager allow you to set up automated emails. Below are the common setting used for studios. Change these settings as fit your business.

Blue highlight – indicates this is a very important setting to consider

Global Settings – Messaging Tab

Admin Notifications

  • Notification Email – email for admin or leave blank if you don’t want emails sent.
  • Email account registration notification – Yes
  • Email class registration notification – No
  • Email new payment notification – No
  • Email new purchase notification – No
  • Email new group class note notification – No

Client Notifications

Create what you want this message to say in “messaging” and set as a template then it will be available for you to select here. If you want to send a different email for specific types of memberships that is what “special category” means below. There are currently two “special categories” for late cancel and no show emails so if a membership has a differently policy for those types of cancellations you can have a different email.

  • Email account registration notification – Yes
  • Registration notification message template – template from “Messaging”
  • Email class registration notification – Yes
  • Email drop class notification – Yes
  • Email new payment notifications – Yes
  • Special Member Category – select membership category
  • Special Member Category 2 – select different membership category
  • Message for “late cancel” Lesson statue – select message template
  • Message for “late cancel” lesson status (special category) – select message template
  • Message for “late cancel” lesson statue (special category 2) – select message template
  • Message for “no show” Lesson statue – select message template
  • Message for “no show” lesson status (special category) – select message template
  • Message for “no show” lesson statue (special category 2) – select message template

Contact Us

  • Show Contact Us Section – Yes
  • Contact Us Email – enter email you want students to see
  • Contact us Message Subject – enter what you want subject line to read for these


Set this section up with the help of tech support so your email functionality works!!!