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Automate your fitness business

Managing a fitness studio is a demanding task, but the right software can make it much simpler. Reallocate admin time from mundane tasks to customer relations using automation.

Automated Payments

Your business exists to provide services AND make money. Automate the making money part! The scheduled payments feature within Fit Studio Manager allows you to create auto renewing membership payments that fit your business and client needs. With the overview tab you can see what payments are coming up and which have cleared. You can also see which have failed (boo!) and quickly re-run them on the same credit card or on a different card saved to the client account. There are automated messages when payments fail too 🙂

Don’t worry if you don’t run a membership style fitness studio because the robust payment plan features in Fit Studio Manager also allow you to break a single large payment into smaller chunks for your members to pay over time. You can create a specific payment plan when creating the sales item for the client to select when purchasing online or you can make a customized payment plan directly from the admin checkout for an individual client.

Lower your accounts receivable by utilizing automated payments. Save admin time from tracking payments and reallocate that time to building customer relationships.

Automated Messaging

Fit Studio Manager has the expected automated messages like if a client registers for a class, or canceled a class or makes a payment. Messages can be sent as email or SMS with Fit Studio Manager.

One of the most powerful features of Fit Studio Manager is automated messaging, which allows you to send notifications based on specific events or triggers. These triggers all have to do with client behavior such as before attending a class or after attending a class. The automation of your entire email and sms communication can be achieved with Fit Studio Manager.

For example: a student creates an account with your online system, a “welcome” email is sent.
The student registers for their first class, an email confirming registration is sent. The student is sent a “what to expect in class” email 5 days before the class. The student is sent a “we’re excited to see you tomorrow” email is sent one day before the class. A SMS reminder is sent 4 hours before the class. A “thanks for coming” email is sent one hour after the class. A “review us on Google” email is sent 36 hours after the class.

ALL OF THIS can be done with triggers and without you doing a thing. The automated messaging in Fit Studio Manager is truly powerful and gives you the opportunity to have multiple touch points without actually spending the administrative time to send the communications.

Automated Fees

Fees are a possible revenue source for your business. Fit Studio Manager understands the need to maximize revenue and has multiple options to set up additional fees in your software, examples include:

  • Registeration Fees
  • Credit Card transaction Fee: charge a % fee when someone makes a credit card purchase, including on automated payments
  • Debit Card transaction Fee: this can be a different amount of not charged at all from the credit card transaction fee
  • Late Cancel Fee: charge a fee based on membership type if a client cancels a class outside of your cancellation widow
  • No Show Fee: charge a fee based on membership type if a client doesn’t show up for a class. (YES! This can be a different amount from the late cancel fee and is dependent on membership type so different memberships can have different fee amounts!)

Fees can be waived or charged and give your business flexibility to increase revenue without adding administrative workload.

Fit Studio Manager is designed to help you manage your business more efficiently. By automating routine tasks and communications, you can focus on providing the best service to your clients and growing your studio. Give Fit Studio Manager a try and see how it can transform your business operations —Request a demo today!