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Setting Up

Coupon Codes

Item Discounts / Rates

Setting up “Item Discounts / Rates” allows specific memberships to have a set discount based on an active membership icon. Student can have multiple memberships with multiple discounts concurrently and the computer will select the best one at the shopping cart. Click on “add new” on the right side to create a new membership discount.… Read More »

Discount Coupons

Setting up discount coupons under “tools and settings” allows customers to have a code to enter at checkout to get a specific discount regardless of membership type. To create a new discount code click add new on the upper right. A pop-up will appear. Name the code (this is what the student will type to… Read More »

Fees and Discounts

Fees & Discounts settings in Fit Studio Manager allow you to set up global discounts and registeration fees. Below are the common setting used for fitness studios. Change these settings as fit your business. Blue highlight – indicates this is a very important setting to consider Global Settings – Fees & Discounts Tab Discount Main… Read More »