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Setting Up

Pages Class & Sales Contracts

FSM has a setting area called “pages” where you can enter text to appear in different areas of the software. This includes your contracts as well as your waivers and agreements. Before you can use any of them in the system you first create them in the pages area. Settings ⇾ Pages This document will… Read More »

5. Sales Item – Contract Tab

4. Sale Item – Addional tab

3. Sales Item – Purchase Restrictions

Upsell in the OC shopping cart

When a client is checking out in the Online Client, if you set up an “up sell” a pop up window will appear and ask if they want the “upsell” product added to their cart. Set Item to be available for Up Sell Go to the sales item ⇾ purchase restrictions tab ⇾ “use as… Read More »


Selling merchandise or products at your studio or online? Set up the sales item for products with these settings. Products are usually physical item. Set-up Sales Tax for Products There are two global settings that must be correct in order to collect sales tax for products. The first is under “Global Settings” ⇾ “Fees &… Read More »

Payment Plans in a Sales Item

Payment plans can be made for any purchase directly from the admin shopping cart but these don’t have contracts attached and students can’t create them. Add a payment plan to a sales item for the student to be able to select it and sign a contract with repayment terms directly in the Online Client or… Read More »


Packages allow you to bundle sales items together into a grouping for sale. This gives the student access to each of the items within the package. Creating a Sales Item – Package Go to “sales items” “Common” tab. Type = Package Name your item. Add a description Add a price. This will be the price… Read More »

Sales Item

Sales Items are used for all classes, lessons, and services. Create these items individually to put them in a package later. Creating a Sales Item – ITEM Go to “sales items” Under the “common” tab the default type is Item, make sure that is selected. Name your item. Add a description Add a price Check… Read More »

Membership and Icons

One of the robust features in FSM is the ability to create memberships. There are multiple ways and uses for memberships. Students can have multiple memberships at any one time. Membership icons appear next to a student name on class rosters and searches. There are system wide icons that you cannot change. This document will… Read More »