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Setting Up

Memberships – Prorating a Month Free

If you have an auto renewing membership, it is easy to set-up a “free” week or month by using the prorate feature in the admin shopping cart. From the shopping cart, select the customer name, location and the sales time. Note: for prorating to work it must be an auto-renewing sales item, not a package… Read More »


FSM has a few different ways to issue refunds, depending on what you want to accomplish. Follow the steps below to issue the correct type of refund for your situation. It is important to note that the ability to refund, and which TYPE of refund can be issues, varies via the group permissions selected. So… Read More »

Using Account Credit

If a student has credit on their account that is available for use you will see it in GREEN at the top right side of their student profile screen. (Red means they owe you money). To use this credit when making a purchase, go to the shopping cart ⇾ select the student, location and sales… Read More »

Reconciling a Charge with Payment

Sometimes a payment will come in that is not directly associated with a charge. There are two ways to reconcile them in the ledger. NOTE: access to the ledger is dictated by group permissions. Not all your staff should have access to the ledger, in fact, most should not! A charge does not have a… Read More »

Collecting Account Balances

If a student has a balance on their account you will see it in RED at the top right side of their student profile screen. (GREEN means they have credit). Their name, anywhere you see it in the system (class roster, when searching, etc) will also have the RED DOLLAR icon next to it. Note:… Read More »

Creating a Payment Plan at Checkout

Creating payment plans are a simple task within the staff shopping cart. The downside of creating a payment plan in the admin shopping cart is that no contract will be associated with it. Payment plans should only be used for non-recurring (aka NOT monthly auto renewing) sales items. If you want to split a monthly… Read More »