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Setting Up

Fee for Late Cancel or No Show

Fit Studio Manager can auto-charge a fee for a late cancel or no show based on membership type. Usually these types of fees are only charged to unlimited type memberships and are listed in the contract for that membership type. To set up: Background info: Create the membership categories Attach Icon/membership category to the sales… Read More »

Payment Plans in a Sales Item

Payment plans can be made for any purchase directly from the admin shopping cart but these don’t have contracts attached and students can’t create them. Add a payment plan to a sales item for the student to be able to select it and sign a contract with repayment terms directly in the Online Client or… Read More »

Memberships – Scheduled Payments Failed

FSM has a powerful scheduled payments feature that allows for easy creation of payment plans and auto renewing memberships. However, sometimes the credit card declines and a payment fails. Then what? Take one of the steps below. Scheduled payments can be found on the Finances ⇾ Scheduled Payments tab. From this page you can filter… Read More »

Memberships – Deleting a Late Cancel Fee

FSM can be configured to automatically charge for late cancel or no-show based on membership type. If you have set this up properly, then you’ll see all upcoming “late cancel fees” that will be charged under Finance ⇾ Scheduled Charges. On this tab you’ll see the student name, the date the late cancel charge will… Read More »

Memberships Holds

Memberships on “auto-pay” or a monthly payment renewal are one of the very helpful features of FSM. Here are ways to put memberships on hold and things to watch out for. There are two types of Memberships holds to consider using, depending how you set up your auto-pay. Month (or multi-month) duration This style should… Read More »


FSM has a few different ways to issue refunds, depending on what you want to accomplish. Follow the steps below to issue the correct type of refund for your situation. It is important to note that the ability to refund, and which TYPE of refund can be issues, varies via the group permissions selected. So… Read More »

Using Account Credit

If a student has credit on their account that is available for use you will see it in GREEN at the top right side of their student profile screen. (Red means they owe you money). To use this credit when making a purchase, go to the shopping cart ⇾ select the student, location and sales… Read More »

Reconciling a Charge with Payment

Sometimes a payment will come in that is not directly associated with a charge. There are two ways to reconcile them in the ledger. NOTE: access to the ledger is dictated by group permissions. Not all your staff should have access to the ledger, in fact, most should not! A charge does not have a… Read More »

Collecting Account Balances

If a student has a balance on their account you will see it in RED at the top right side of their student profile screen. (GREEN means they have credit). Their name, anywhere you see it in the system (class roster, when searching, etc) will also have the RED DOLLAR icon next to it. Note:… Read More »

Discount Coupons

Setting up discount coupons under “tools and settings” allows customers to have a code to enter at checkout to get a specific discount regardless of membership type. To create a new discount code click add new on the upper right. A pop-up will appear. Name the code (this is what the student will type to… Read More »