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Selling & Transferring Gift Cards

SELLING A GIFT CARD from the ADMIN side In the Shopping Cart – Select the Client who is PAYING (the person needs an account in your system!) If the client knows who the gift card is going to, and they are already in the FSM system, you can also select the student at this time.The… Read More »

Gift Card Sales Items

Creating the Sales Item Needed for a Gift Card Once your settings are correct for gift cards, you’ll need to create sales items for each gift card amount you wish to sell. Go to “Sales Item” in the left hand menu and click “add new” in the upper right to open the pop up box… Read More »

Settings for Gift Cards

Use settings when setting up gift card functionality FSM has a robust gift card feature built into the software. But in order to make full use of it, you’ll want to make sure the following settings are turned on in your software. Global Settings All of these settings are under the “global settings” tab: Common… Read More »