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Pages (Extra Text options)

FSM has a setting area called “pages” where you can enter text to appear in different areas of the software. This includes your contracts as well as your waivers and agreements as well as ways to add extra text in specific places. Before you can use any of them in the system you first create… Read More »

Agreements and Waivers

FSM has a setting area called “pages” where you can enter text to appear in different areas of the software. This includes your contracts as well as your waivers and agreements. Before you can use any “pages” in the system you must first create them in the pages area. Settings ⇾ Pages This document will… Read More »

Video On-Demand Library

Fit Studio Manager has the ability to show an on demand library both on the Online Client and the app. An important note is that your videos are NOT stored on FSM but on “unlisted” YouTube links so keep that in mind from a security perspective. Basic Settings Group Permissions ⇾ Classroom ⇾ Video ⇾… Read More »

Upsell in the OC shopping cart

When a client is checking out in the Online Client, if you set up an “up sell” a pop up window will appear and ask if they want the “upsell” product added to their cart. Set Item to be available for Up Sell Go to the sales item ⇾ purchase restrictions tab ⇾ “use as… Read More »

Payment Plans in a Sales Item

Payment plans can be made for any purchase directly from the admin shopping cart but these don’t have contracts attached and students can’t create them. Add a payment plan to a sales item for the student to be able to select it and sign a contract with repayment terms directly in the Online Client or… Read More »

Online Room Booking

Fit Studio Manager allows direct online room booking. This means the admin sets the times and rooms that can be booked on the back end, then the Online Client shows this for students to select times to rent/reserve a room. Initial Settings Needed Left side menu, settings ⇾ rooms. Change “enable room booking” from no… Read More »

Online Private Lesson Booking

Fit Studio Manager allows direct online private lesson booking. This means the admin sets the times and classes types that can be booked on the back end, then the Online Client shows this for students to select and book. Initial Settings Needed You need to enable the settings that allow for private events to be… Read More »

Using Account Credit

If a student has credit on their account that is available for use you will see it in GREEN at the top right side of their student profile screen. (Red means they owe you money). To use this credit when making a purchase, go to the shopping cart ⇾ select the student, location and sales… Read More »

Online Client Settings

“Online Client” in Fit Studio Manager is what your students will see and how they will interact with your business. The suggestions below are from Aerial Dance Wi, a pole fitness and aerial studio with general fitness classes as well. Customize these settings for your business requirements. Blue highlight – indicates this is a very… Read More »


Categories are a main input area to customize your Fit Studio Manager and one of the first places you should begin set-up. For each category you will want to set-up the options that fit your business. Below are the are tips and explanations of the category options and where they are used in the software.… Read More »