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Setting Up

Class Locations

Online Room Booking

Fit Studio Manager allows direct online room booking. This means the admin sets the times and rooms that can be booked on the back end, then the Online Client shows this for students to select times to rent/reserve a room. Initial Settings Needed Left side menu, settings ⇾ rooms. Change “enable room booking” from no… Read More »

Online Private Lesson Booking

Fit Studio Manager allows direct online private lesson booking. This means the admin sets the times and classes types that can be booked on the back end, then the Online Client shows this for students to select and book. Initial Settings Needed You need to enable the settings that allow for private events to be… Read More »

Party Registration via Private URL

Parties are a private lesson with lots more people. Usually those attending are not already students at your studio. FSM has a special way to book parties to track party attendees and have them register for the private event online and sign your liability waiver. Before you can schedule the party, you need to create… Read More »


FSM has an inventory system that allows you to track inventory sold, as well as amount of inventory on hand. Group Permissions The first step is to make sure that all the inventory settings are turned on in “group permissions” for the staff logins that you want to be able to deal with inventory. For… Read More »

System Wide Icons

These are the icons that are automatic in Fit Studio Manager to help you quickly identify students. Icons show up next to a student name in searches as well as on class rosters. Icons listed below you do not set and you cannot add or remove; the actions described for each icon will the icon… Read More »

Class Programs

How Hear Items

Payment Methods

Class Genres