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Setting Up


Categories are a main input area to customize your Fit Studio Manager and one of the first places you should begin set-up. For each category you will want to set-up the options that fit your business. Below are the are tips and explanations of the category options and where they are used in the software.… Read More »

Global Settings

Global settings in Fit Studio Manager are the backbone of how your studio will run within in the software. There are TON of options to turn on and off based on your preferences and studio set-up. This document gives an overview of the settings that are a “basic studio” set-up. Customize this list for your… Read More »

Payment Processor Settings

Payment Processor is how Fit Studio Manager will collect money. Please work with tech support to make sure this is set up correctly for your business!!! Blue highlight – indicates this is a very important setting to consider Global Settings – Payment Processors tab Payment Systems Payment System – Bluepay (your selected processor) Account 1… Read More »


Seasons is powerful tool in FSM. Season are what you use to create Enrollments/ Courses/Events (an 8 week course for example) where a student is registered for the entire thing at once. Seasons allow you to create schedules for specific dates fast and allow override of waitlists of class specific settings. Seasons Go to “Global… Read More »