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Setting Up

Collecting Account Balances

If a student has a balance on their account you will see it in RED at the top right side of their student profile screen. (GREEN means they have credit).


Their name, anywhere you see it in the system (class roster, when searching, etc) will also have the RED DOLLAR icon next to it.


Note: if the student has a scheduled payment plan, the icon will not appear. It only appears if there is an account balance and no scheduled payments.

There are multiple ways to collect your account balances in FSM depending where you are in the system at the time including:

  • In the shopping cart
  • Credit card from the Student Account
  • Check/Cash/Other from Student Ledger

Collecting in the shopping cart

When in the shopping cart you can add an account balance or partial account balance to the cart to collect payment. First search the student name to bring up their information; if they have a balance the yellow box will reflect the balance amount.


When you click on the yellow amount, a pop will open where you can then select the amount you want added to the cart. Change the amount as you wish and click “add to cart”


You’ll then see the amount in the left hand side of the shopping cart and can add other sales items as desired before “proceed to checkout” to complete the transaction.


Collecting via Credit Card from the student account

From the student account, click the upper right hand “action” menu ⇾ “make a payment”


A pop up will open. “Selected Charges” is already selected from the top drop down. To make a payment, tick the boxes next to any listed outstanding sales items. The amount will auto populate with what you select. Then select the card and “process payment.”


Or change the top drop down to “account credit” and specify an amount. Then select the card and “process payment”.


Collecting Cash, Check or Other via the Ledger

NOTE: access to the ledger is dictated by group permissions so not all of your staff will have access to this method.

IMPORTANT: do NOT select “credit card” from here, this method is ONLY for Cash, Check or Other payment methods.

From the student ledger, scroll down to the “payments” section. Click “new payment” on the right hand side. A pop up will open. Note the blue warning at the top telling you NOT to select “credit card” as type. Fill in the rest of the information either choosing an amount or any outstanding sales items. Select the payment type (NOT credit card!) of cash, check or other. Add a date and any other information. Then “save changes.”


Once completed the new payment will appear in your payment ledger for the student.

This screen and type of processing account balances can also be access by clicking the Dollar Sign icon from the class roster.


However, I don’t tell my staff this because they can’t process a credit card from here so I don’t want them to mistakenly try! I only tell them to use the shopping cart method to eliminate mistakes.