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Creating a Payment Plan at Checkout

Creating payment plans are a simple task within the staff shopping cart. The downside of creating a payment plan in the admin shopping cart is that no contract will be associated with it.

Payment plans should only be used for non-recurring (aka NOT monthly auto renewing) sales items. If you want to split a monthly payment into two and have it auto renew you need to create a second sales item with a 14 day recurring renew.

From the Shopping Cart, select the sales item you would like to purchase on a payment plan.

Select “Proceed to checkout”

On the “stored card tab” enter the full amount, select the card, then Select “Apply payment plan” box at the bottom


Select the number of desired payments from the center drop down option highlighted below


Repeat sets timeline of payments at the drop down box
– Day of month = 4th of month. Example: two payments on the 4th of the month so Jan 4 and Feb 4.
– Every 14 days = payment every two weeks. Example: payment this Friday and two weeks on Friday.

Set month date for TODAY if first payment is being made today.

Select start date – this is the date the first payment will be taken out
– If first payment THAT DAY day, select today’s date
– If first payment is another day select that days date

Select “Checkout” in bottom right corner highlighted below

Go to “scheduled payments” in student account and check the payment plan is correct.
– You should see the NUMBER of payments here (if you said 3, there should be 3; if you put 2 there should be 2)
– The first payment, if today, should show here directly after sale and will be processed when the next batch of payments runs. (Usually every 15 minutes)


IMPORTANT NOTE: A payment plan cannot be applied to an auto-renewing contract only single purchase items.