Fees and Discounts
Fees & Discounts settings in Fit Studio Manager allow you to set up global discounts and registeration fees. Below are the common setting used for fitness studios. Change these settings as fit your business.
Blue highlight – indicates this is a very important setting to consider
Global Settings – Fees & Discounts Tab
Main Discount – disabled
Calculate total classes for – student
Multi-student enabled – No
Multi-student decrement – 0
multi-student decrement applied for all classes – yes
Discount Coupons Enabled – Yes
Enable Discount Coupons when making payment – No
Tuition’s discount for girls, % – 0
Tuition’s discount for boys, % – 0
Tuition’s discount for all, % – 0
Personal Discount Name – blank
Member Category Discount Enabled – No
Student Registeration Fee
Registeration Fee Enabled – No
If yes, fill out options that appear
Enable tax for charges – Yes
Tax Value, % – 0
Do NOT set this as the tax in your area or it will tax EVERYTHING in your shopping cart. Instead set this to 0 and under payment processor add the tax there so it only taxes the items that you have set up in sales items as “taxable”
Cancelation Fee
Enable Cancelation Fee – Yes
Delay before charging cancelation fee – set time that works for your company
This creates a charge under “finance – scheduled charges” and then will put the “charge on a client membership at the designated time interval. This will only add the charge and the client will then have an account balance.
Create Scheduled payment – Yes
This creates a corresponding scheduled payment for the charge to collect payment at the designated time in addition to the charge. If the scheduled payment fails, it will appear in your scheduled payments list to action.
After you have “saved” the cancelation fee with a yes, the refresh will the give you the option to add new “cancelation fee values.”
Select add new and select membership type fee will apply to.
Then select for which type of cancelation
Then select the value and save. Your set fees will appear in the cancellation fee values list.