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Setting Up

Gift Card Sales Items

Creating the Sales Item Needed for a Gift Card

Once your settings are correct for gift cards, you’ll need to create sales items for each gift card amount you wish to sell. Go to “Sales Item” in the left hand menu and click “add new” in the upper right to open the pop up box to create a new sales item.

IMPORTANT: Please note, at this time all gift card purchases are through the Online Client or WordPress API integration on NOT the app.

Common Tab

Make sure to select the Type ⇾ “gift card” as that will then set up the rest of the required functionality and so it shows up on the gift card finance tab.

Then: name it, type a description and price and select if it is taxable per your location requirements.

Activation and Expiration

Set the “activate on” to “sale date”

Set the expiry after as a number of months. Does this expire in 6 months or 12 or ?? set the number and then months. You want gift cards to be in months and it will dependent on your local laws how long that number must be. For a “never expire” set the expiry month number extremely high.

Set expiration date “on purchase” After expiration “do nothing”

Purchase Restrictions Tab

Sale Start date – set the date

Sell Online – Yes

Sell to – All Clients

Not Sell to member Categories – None Selected Sell Individually – Yes

Sell if season status is “set course enrollment” – can be yes or no

Sell if season status is “open course enrollment” – can be yes or no

Note: “sell as a product” is not an option under this tab because it is assumed that gift cards WILL be sold as a product in your online store. So as long as you turned on your “buy items” Online client store, gift cards WILL appear.

Additional Tab

Leave both unset and set student categories empty. Ignore “student pricing level” and leave as not selected.

Set your Item Category (reminder this is set up under global settings ⇾ categories ⇾ purchase item category and is a filter for your shopping cart).

Set your Charge Category (reminder this is set up under global settings ⇾ categories ⇾ charge category and is use for tracking sales on reports).

Available Quantity type number to tick Unlimited Box. Add to Cart Additional Item leave “not selected”.

List Order – set a number here for where you want this item to appear in the gift card list for the Online Client and Shopping Cart

Add Student Registration Fee If Available – No.

Email Template – will be sent to the email used at the time of purchase, most often the purchasers (unless they put in the recipients). You will need to have created this email template in messaging ignorer to select it here. This is a very important feature of gift cards in PSM. MAKE SURE YOU DO THIS STEP!!!!

Email Template for Gift Cards

At the bottom of the “additional tab” you will WANT to set a template to auto send when a gift card is purchase. You will want this email to sent EVERY TIME a gift card is purchased so make sure “send first time only” set set to “no”.

Create the template you want to select here under Messaging.

Use the literal: {gift-card-amount} in your message to say how much the gift card purchase was for.

Use the literal: {gift-card-code} to send the unique code for gift card redemption.

The message can say anything you want it to say, but make sure it includes these two literals and is set as a template. Here is an example:

One other thing to consider is adding an attachment. You may want to include a PDF that is a blank gift certificate from your studio for the purchaser to fill out with the amount, code, to/from. You may also want to include “how to redeem” instructions on it to make it easy for the recipient to know what to do.

Creating a “enter own amount” option

FSM also gives you the option to create a sales item where the purchaser can enter their own customized gift card amount at the time of purchase through your Online Client.

To create this, when creating the sales item following the steps above, LEAVE THE PRICE AS $0.00

All other steps are the same, but when you set the price at $0.00 when creating the sales item a dialog box will open when selected in the Online Client for the purchaser to type in a custom amount.