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Setting Up

Global Settings

Global settings in Fit Studio Manager are the backbone of how your studio will run within in the software. There are TON of options to turn on and off based on your preferences and studio set-up. This document gives an overview of the settings that are a “basic studio” set-up. Customize this list for your business.

Blue highlight – indicates this is a very important setting to consider

Global Settings Tab

School Information Section

Set the basic information for your company.

Calendar – these settings are for your admin calendar

Show class Code – Yes

Show class Name – No

Show Class Level – No

Show Class Program – No

Show Class Location – No
If you have only one location, turn this to Yes

Show Class Cur/Max Students – Yes

Show Class Instructor – Yes

One Calendar Per Studio – No
If you have only one location, turn this to Yes

Calendar starts on Monday (not Sunday) – No

Show Class Room – Yes
Turn to NO if you do not want the room displayed

Calendar Start Time – 8:00 (change to when you open for the day)

Calendar End Time – 22:00

Default Calendar View – Monthly

Day Columns – Location (can choose Instructor or Room instead)

Hidden Day Columns – blank

Allow Reschedule – Yes

Allow Reschedule For Instructors – Yes

Instructors can edit own Schedules – Yes

Instructors can view ALL schedules – Yes
Turn to NO if you do not want instructors to see other instructors schedules

Display past schedules for archived classes in Calendar – Yes
If NO, any class that is archived will no longer display in past dates

Class Registeration

Check Age – Yes
Turn NO if you do not use age to restrict class registration

Allow student’s age as decimal value – No

Days before birthday – 0

Check if Class if Full – Yes

Check Gender – Yes
Turn NO if you do not use gender to restrict class registration

Add charge on class registeration – No

Default charge category – Not Selected

Allow to assign Expired Purchases – No

Allow unpaid class registration for all students – No

Member Categories who can register unpaid classes – select those that apply
This is for membership on an auto renew monthly who may need to register for a class in the future before their next month has auto renewed

Allow to register classes…after purchase expiration, days – 0

Classes List

Show ID – No

Show Name – Yes

Show Level – No

Show Program – No

Show Location – No
If you have only one location, turn this to Yes

Show Sex – No

Show Day of week – No

Show Start Time – No


FSM Mode – Adult
Change to family or combine if you have children in your program

FSM Theme Color – your choice!

Date Format – US (MMM D, YYYY)

Time Format – 12-hour

Time Zone – set to yours

Phone format – 292 222 3333

Rows per page – 45
The higher this number, the more items per page and less pages

Currency Sign – $

Default class length, minutes – 50
Set to whatever your standard is so when you create classes it autofills end time

Enable Account Login for Online Client – Yes

Add Instructors as Students in Class – Yes
Turn off if your instructors cannot take classes as students ever

Enable family/member accounts for instructors – Yes

Purchase Module Enabled – Yes

Private Lessons Enabled – Yes

Private Lesson Scheduler Enabled – Yes

Private Lesson Scheduler Class – N/A

Payment Required For Schedule Private Lesson – No
Turn Yes if you do not allow someone to schedule a private without payment first

Show Lesson Totals on Family Details Page – No
Turn YES if you have family function turned on

Show Balance Only on Family Details Page – Yes

Show Balance Only for Not Admin Users – No

Default Member Category – Not Selected

Show Purchases in the Main Menu – Yes

Member Category for students registered via private URL – “Party Attendee” Register via private URL is party of the “party” set-up in PSM which allows people to register for a private event with less information and a limited account. Setting this category gives you a way to track those people for future emails or sales opportunities.

Enroll Couple Together – No

Allow Group Class Couple registeration – No

Partner Label Text – Partner
Can change this to “spouse” or any other word when registering second person for private lesson

Class List Order – ID

Enable Instructor 2 – Yes
If you NEVER have two instructors teaching a class set to NO. This will not make all our classes have 2 instructors but gives you the option for two if you ever want it. This means both instructors will be on payroll for the assigned class and listed on the schedule.

Enable Instructor 3 – No
Same as above, but now for a third instructor for a single class

Use Common Attendance Status – Yes
Turning to No will take away options to “early cancel” “Late cancel” etc and all the wonderful functions that come with the more robust attendance options.

Attendance status “Late” – No

Default Sorting fo Ledger Items – Newest to Oldest

Show Ledger for Instructors – Yes

Show Today’s class instead of recent on dashboard – Yes

Allow “call history” – Yes

Class Drop Down Fields – Code-Location

Prerequisite Classes enabled – Yes
Allows classes to be set with prerequisites. Student profiles will have prerequisites listed with number count per class automatically tracked by computer.

Show Payroll Tab in Settings – Yes

Show past schedules in “add to class” form – No

Enable Schedule Notes – No

Payment Location is Required – No
If you have only one location, turn this to Yes

Daily View – Display Assigned Purchase – Yes

Show purchase paid percentage – No

Show purchase used percentage – No

Show Class code first – No

Enable Class Rooms – Yes
Turn to no if you only have one room or do not need students to see a room on their schedule.


Cell Phone Label – Your Cell Phone

Phone 2 Label – Emergency Contact Phone Number

Phone 2 Notes Label – Emergency Contact Name

Phone 3 Label – Work Phone

State Label – State

Zip Label – Zip

Enable Supervisor – No

Enable 1st Instructor – No

Enable 2nd Instructor  – No

Enable “how did you hear about us” – No

Enable Email 2 – No

Enable Company – No

Enable Nickname – Yes

Enable Primary Location – No
Set to Yes if you have more than one location

Primary Location Required – No
Set to Yes if you have more than one location

Enable Class Level – No

Enable Phone 2 – Yes
This is your emergency contact, so make sure it is enabled!

Enable Phone 3 – No

Primary Phone Select Enabled – No

Enable Country – No

Default Country Value – United States

Save the same referrer for all related students – No

All to upload member’s photo – Yes

Max Photo width, px – 320

Display “purchased by category” tab – No

“purchases by category” tab categories – blank

Use “non-binary” gender – No
Gives third option of They/Them for gender; also added to “co-ed” class restriction for booking

Member List

Show big photo – Yes

Show Member ID – No Show Guardian 2 – No

Show Children – No

Show Nickname – Yes

Show Address – No

Show Phone 1 – Yes

Show Phone 2 – No

Show Phone 3 – No

Show Email – Yes

Show Student Registeration Date – No

Show Registeration Date (year only) – No

Show Balance – No

Show Icons – Yes

Show Icons for Categories – Yes

Show Class Level – No

Show Primary Location – Yes

Show Supervisor – No

Show Instructor 1 – No

Show Private Lessons Remaining – No

Show Last Lesson Date – Yes

Show Next Lesson Date – No

Show Call history – No

Show Last Call Date – No

Related Students

Enable Address, City, State, Zip – No

Enable Phone 2 – No

Enable Phone 3 – No

Enable Primary Email – No

Enable Secondary Email – No

EnableExtended Contacts on “Families to excel Report – No

Required Fields

Min Age in New class form – Yes

Max Age in new class form – No

Max in class in new class form – No

Sales Items

Enable Tuition Override – No

Enable Recurring Settings  – No

Default Class registeration Method – Selected schedule

Schedule Payments

Show Member ID – Yes

Show Revenue Category – Yes

Show Location – Yes

Shop Section – This allows staff to have access to the “shopping cart” to sell to students

Show Section Enabled – Yes

Enable for Instructors – Yes

Enable for Instructors (restricted) – Yes

Enable for Office Administration – Yes


Signer – No

Video Meeting

Enable Jitsi – Yes

Online Client Title – Live Class

Enable Room Password – No