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Setting Up

Inventory Selling

Inventory can be set-up to sell via the shopping cart or online via the Online Client. At this time the APP does not support Inventory purchasing.

Shopping Cart Inventory Selling

If a staff member has the group permission selected to see and use the shopping cart, they will be able to sell inventory.


Edit Log in Permissions.
Under the “Finance” tab in group permissions.
Log back in to see permissions changes.

The location selected in the shopping cart will only show inventory from that location. If you have multiple locations and want to sell an item from a different location you will need change the location in the shopping cart to see inventory at that location.


Select the sales item.

Note: total inventory on hand now shows next to the sales item name in the green box.

If the sales item doesn’t have category options for color or size associated with it and ONLY has location options (like a dry hands product you only sell in one size) then the item will automatically be added to the cart. The inventory will be taken from the location selected under client at the top of the shopping cart. And you can proceed to add additional cart items or proceed check out as normal.

If the sales item has options for size and color, a pop up will open.


Select the appropriate size and color for your sales item and add to cart. (Note: only inventory available at that location will show as options!) Then proceed to add additional cart items or proceed check out as normal.

Online Client (OC) Inventory Selling

It is possible to add inventory to your online client for sales. After you have already set-up the inventory there are a few steps specific to online sales.

Global Settings ⇾ Online Client ⇾ Enable Inventory (Note: you’ll need to have “buy items” active on your online client as well.)


Then when creating the sales item make sure to select “product” as type so inventory can be added and works.

When the client is in your Buy Items and they select a sales item, they will then have a pop up open where they will select the size and color and add to the cart.


The item will be added to their cart and the number of available inventory will decrease. They will then proceed with checking out.