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Setting Up

Memberships Holds

Memberships on “auto-pay” or a monthly payment renewal are one of the very helpful features of FSM. Here are ways to put memberships on hold and things to watch out for.

There are two types of Memberships holds to consider using, depending how you set up your auto-pay.

Month (or multi-month) duration

This style should be used if you are selling a membership that is a package, like 4 classes per month.

Putting a hold on at start and end of the month.

Go into their scheduled payments tab
Click the pencil icon


Edit the next payment date to the new month


IMPORTANT!!!! This ONLY works if is it the SAME date but 1 – 2 months away. If you change the payment date here it will result in a big mess when the auto-pay resumes.

When a hold is put on this way it will show NOT up in the “on hold” section under finance or on the membership report.

Bi-weekly membership can be put on hold this way too

For bi-weekly, you can skip one of the payments or two, but it must be on the same bi- weekly schedule. So if they normally pay on a Friday, you would skip a Friday, then have the next payment. Do not make it a Thursday payment or some other day, it MUST be on the same planned bi-weekly schedule.

Partial Month Holds

This membership should only be used if the membership is an unlimited attendance, otherwise, you are giving them free time to use classes.

From The scheduled payments tab, click the pause button to open the holds window.

Enter the start date of the hold and the end date of the hold.
Press calculate, if needed, to see the math show up in blue.
The math should show how much all aspects of the hold are, There is a portion for the month that they are currently in that is being on hold. Then the part of the month they are resuming. Those two amounts combine is listed in the “amount $” the total is what the “resume” scheduled payment will be for.
The “renew date” is when the next USUALLY scheduled payment will resume. That payment date will be the usual amount.

When a hold is put on this way it will show up in the “on hold” section under finance and on the membership report. If you go in and try to edit a hold after putting it on, it turns into a big mess. So make sure your start and end dates are firm before setting up the hold.