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Setting Up

Memberships – Prorating a Month Free

If you have an auto renewing membership, it is easy to set-up a “free” week or month by using the prorate feature in the admin shopping cart.

From the shopping cart, select the customer name, location and the sales time. Note: for prorating to work it must be an auto-renewing sales item, not a package (aka a monthly membership that renews every month on a set date.). It is also important to note that it needs to be a MONTHLY auto-renew, not bi-weekly as the math is set up for the number of days in the month.


Set the “Start On” date first. This is the date the membership will charge the first full amount. This is also the date that will start the “auto renew” cycle you have set up.


In this example, the “charge” date and start of this membership will be July 1, 2022.

The check “prorate first payment” and set the date for when you want the “free” period to begin and the student to have access to the sales item.


In this example, the student will be able to start using the membership from May 31, 2022.

To make this prorated time “free” you want to add a discount for the “prorated time” but clicking on the tag next to the sales item.


Then enter a discount rate of 100% for the item and apply.


You’ll then see the subtotal in the shopping cart to reflect the discount.


Then proceed to checkout and process the transaction on credit card (don’t worry, since it is a $0 amount nothing will be charged but then the software will save that card for the first month membership payment.)

Note: Prorating can be done for any duration and discounting can be done in any amount.