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Memberships – Scheduled Payments Failed

FSM has a powerful scheduled payments feature that allows for easy creation of payment plans and auto renewing memberships. However, sometimes the credit card declines and a payment fails. Then what? Take one of the steps below.

Scheduled payments can be found on the Finances ⇾ Scheduled Payments tab.


From this page you can filter all upcoming scheduled payment by client name, location, status and date range. IMPORTANT: the date range always defaults to the start of the current month so if you are looking for failed scheduled payments from the previous month make sure to change the “from” date to the last month.


The quickest way to find scheduled payments that declined is to select status “processing error” and only transactions that did not process will appear below. Then choose how you want to proceed with the failed scheduled payment.

Rerun the Payment

The easiest thing to do is to click the circle arrow next to the failed payment and try to rerun it.


If the card fails again, click the pencil icon next to the failed payment and change to a different card on file try to rerun. FSM allows users to have multiple cards saved on file.


When you click on the pencil, a pop up will open with a drop down menu next to card. You can select any other cards available on the account, then “save changed”. Location where a card is saved is in (location name) so if you have more than one location you can change the correct bank account associated with it.


You will be brought back to the main screen and you can then click the circle arrow to rerun the transaction with the new card selected.

NOTE: if a card is changed and is successful, FSM will default the next scheduled payment to that successful card.

Charge to Account

IMPORTANT: if the scheduled payment is for a package and NOT an auto renewing membership, you just click the x next to the payment to return it to the account for collecting.


DO NOT do the next step if it is a package, just click the x.

If the failed scheduled payment is an auto renewing membership, you charge it to account by clicking the pencil icon.


A pop up screen will open. Under the “Cards” drop down, select “not assigned. Add to Account”.


You will be brought back to the main screen and you can then click the circle arrow to rerun the transaction and it will now be added to the student account.

IMPORTANT: the next time a scheduled payment is run, FSM will default to the card that was charged and declined if it is still on file, not “to account”.