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FSM has a few different ways to issue refunds, depending on what you want to accomplish. Follow the steps below to issue the correct type of refund for your situation.

It is important to note that the ability to refund, and which TYPE of refund can be issues, varies via the group permissions selected. So if you want your staff members to be able to issue different types of refunds you need to turn on the correct group permissions for their log-in.

Note: these refunds assume a credit card purchase originally.

Refunding to account

If you want to remove the sales item from use but have the money stay on account for a future purchase you will go the student account ⇾ Purchases Tab.


Find the sales item that you wish to delete and the money paid for it to go back on account. Then click the X for “delete purchase”.


This will remove the sales item from the purchases tab AND the charge from the top portion of the ledger but it will NOT remove the payment in the bottom half of the ledger, meaning that money is now available on account.

The purchase and charge disappear, they do not stay on the account, they are deleted.

The account balance at the top of the student profile will now reflect this refund. A RED balance means they owe you money; a GREEN balance means they have credit on their account to use.


A FULL Refund (Refunding Purchase, Charge & Payment)

If you want to delete the purchase, erase the charge and refund the credit card payment you want to go the student account ⇾ Purchases Tab.


Then find the purchase that you wish to refund and click the refund arrow.


A popup window will open, you don’t need to do anything with this other than click “submit” unless you want to add a cancellation fee percentage.


Once you click submit, you’ll see the purchase is still listed in the purchases tab, however, the lessons available will now be zero, meaning the sales item can’t be used.

Then in the ledger you’ll see the charge showing the initial and the cancellation.

In the payment you’ll see the initial and the refund.


Refunding JUST the payment

This is not recommended for typical use. This type of refund would only be used if you want to refund the credit card but have the account balance owing for the sales item. If you refund this way, the sales item will still be available for use.

From the student account ⇾ Ledger ⇾ Payments (bottom half of ledger).


Find the payment you want to refund and click the arrow next to it.


A pop up will open. Here you can issue a full refund or change the number to issue a partial refund.


Once the refund is issues you’ll see the refund in the payment section of the ledger


showing both the initial payment and the refund. In the charges section of the ledger you’ll see the charge still listed but you’ll now see a paid as red,


meaning a payment has not been applied to the charge.


And at the top of their account details page you’ll see an account balance that reflects this refund. Red means they owe you money; green means they have credit on their account to use.

Note that the sales item is still available for use with this refund method.