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Setting Up

System Wide Icons

These are the icons that are automatic in Fit Studio Manager to help you quickly identify students. Icons show up next to a student name in searches as well as on class rosters.


Icons listed below you do not set and you cannot add or remove; the actions described for each icon will the icon turn it on or off in a student profile system wide.

New Client


This red circle icon means that the student has never been to your facility. If their attendance status goes to “attended” this icon will automatically go away. If their attendance status goes to “early cancel” “late cancel” or “no show” this icon will stay until they physically attend. For many studios this is an indication for staff to have sign in person liability paperwork and give a tour of your facilities.

Account Owing


This dollar sign icon means that the student has an account balance and owes you money. If the student has a payment plan (scheduled payments that are not autopay monthly membership dues) in place for the total of the amount owing this icon will not appear since they already have a plan to pay. But if they miss a payment or default then the icon will appear again.

Not signed waiver


This icon means the student has NOT signed a “required student agreement” in the online client. This usually means they haven’t logged into the online client too. Direct them to the online client or app and they will see all needed signatures clearly at the top.


Note: depending on your global setting students may not be able to register for classes or do other functions if this icon is next to their name.

Staff Alert


In the student profile, the staff alert allows staff members to communicate about a student without the student seeing. To create a Staff Alert go to the “notes” tab in a student profile.


Then fill out the last box that says “comments (staff alert)” and save.


The staff alert will stay until it is removed and staff members will be able to see what it says be hovering over it anywhere it appears.
