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Setting Up

Upsell in the OC shopping cart

When a client is checking out in the Online Client, if you set up an “up sell” a pop up window will appear and ask if they want the “upsell” product added to their cart.

Set Item to be available for Up Sell

Go to the sales item ⇾ purchase restrictions tab ⇾ “use as Up Sell” ⇾ YES

IMPORTANT NOTE: a sales it can either be USED as an Up Sell or HAVE an Up Sell but it cannot be/do both.

Add Up Sell option to Sales Item

Go to the sales item ⇾ purchase restrictions tab ⇾ Up Sell Item ⇾ select the item to ask if they want to purchase as an up sell in the check out cart.

If the item you want to Up Sell is not available in the drop down, you haven’t set it to “use as up sell”. (See: Set Item to be available for Up Sell)

Add an “up sell message” if there is something specific you’d like to be said when the pop up opens in the checkout, otherwise it will default to the description of the sales item being Up Sold.

How it WORKS for the client

The client would be using the Online Client.

They would purchase a sales item (either from your buy items section OR by booking a class from the calendar).

When they go the “check out” (not when putting the sales item INTO the cart, but at the time of check out) a pop up will open with the Sales Item name, description or custom message and the drop down options to add to cart.

The drop down works with inventory, so if it is a tank top with sizing, they will be able to pick the correct size. (Note: if you have multiple locations, the inventory available will default the location where they have selected the class to attend; the second default is if the purchased is from buy items and not linked to a location the inventory available will be their home location.)

They will click “add to cart” and it will be added to their shopping cart. They can remove the item from their shopping cart by clicking “remove”.