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Fit Studio Manager – Self Onboarding

Fit Studio Manager (FSM) is an intuitive software that allows for a LOT of customization. The best way to get set up is to go through each section below in order. Watch the videos and read the PDFs for details on how to set-up each section for your business. If any questions come up, please submit a “support ticket” from the left hand menu of your software and our tech support will get back to you. We’re excited to have you as a FSM user!

First Steps

Credit Card Processor – have you contacted the credit card processor options? Do this immediately as can take a few weeks to get approval and be able to start processing payments.
Postmark APP – go to to create an account. You will need this during the set-up process to be able to send emails through FSM.  IMPORTANT NOTE: You will need a domain based email to set this up. Example You cannot use Gmail or other generic emails for Postmark.

General Settings

There are MANY general setting in FSM. Many of these you will tweak as you customize your software with use. But for now, go into the settings listed below and change any OBVIOUS ones. If you don’t know what it is, leave it alone for now.

Settings ⇾ Global Settings
Do not freak out over how many settings there are here. Many of these are already set correctly for your type of business; others you will want to customize based on specifics of how you run your program. Fill out what you can and ignore any you don’t understand at this time; your software settings are currently the common set-up for your type of business.

Settings ⇾ Online Client
The “online client” (OC) is the client facing side of your software. These settings will control how the client interacts with FSM to register for classes and make purchases.

Dashboard and Left Hand Menu customization – move around the left hand menu to access the things you need most quickly.

Sales Tax set-up – if you need to charge sales tax, here is how to set it up to charge for only specific sales items, rather than on every dollar collected.


Categories are what the software pulls from to function to fill in information in the rest of the system, these are mission critical! Under Settings ⇾ Categories you will be able to customize the choices which will then be available throughout your system. Spend a lot of time here making  sure you have created all the different categories need.

Basic Information about Categories
Critical Categories to complete (these you will need for immediate next steps)
      Charge Categories
      Class Genres
      Class Levels
      Class Locations – Even if you only have one physical location, you can add an online location and an “organization” or hidden back end location to help your staff know who has days off or other useful information.
      Class Programs
      Membership Categories – this is one of the most robust features in FSM, spend a lot of time here thinking through your program and how you want to utilize member categories. The Icons make it easy for staff to identify members and the membership give functionality or restrict functionality.
      Payment Methods
      Purchase Items Categories

Option Categories to complete (you will need these later, depending on your program)
      Class Categories (if enabled, this is only used for online private lesson booking)
      How Hear Items
      Inventory Color
      Inventory Size
      Message Categories
      Time Clock Categories
      Video Categories

Group Permissions

If you have staff that need special access to areas of the software this is where you would create their permission level. You can skip this section or add your own special permissions options if you desire.

Add Instructors

Adding Staff Members – Create your staff profiles so you can schedule use the when creating classes

Staff Permission Level

Adding Rooms

When scheduling a class you will need to state what room it is in. So even if you only have one room, add it here.


Creating seasons allows your registeration to be customizable. Make sure to use “open class enrollment” and “set course enrollment” properly so when combine with the sales item the student registering is put in a single class (open class) or the entire course (set course). 


Create waiver/agreements for your studio. One you will want to create right away would be the liability agreement for your company.
Create contracts for sales items and classes. Attach these contracts and require signature when someone is registering for a class (for example with the class specific policies) or when purchasing a sales item (for example with the payment terms and conditions).

Sales Items

Creating Sales Items is how you will collect money. 

Sales Item – Common Tab

Sales Item – Activation and Expiration Tab

Sale Item – Additional tab

Sales Item – Contract Tab you can have a single contract or two contracts, create the contracts in pages before adding here.

Creating a Payment Plan via the sales item; reminder that you can also have a sales item contract specifically for each payment plan time with the terms.

ADDITIONAL Sales item creation help and advaned details

      Sales Item



      Creating a Monthly Membership

      Membership and Icons

      Payment Plans in OC

      Upsell in the OC shopping cart

Creating Group Classes

To schedule a class, you first need to create it using the categories and sales items you’ve already filled in.

Creating a Group Class

Creating Enrollments (courses, events) – these are multi-week classes

Details Tab

Assign Sales Item

Prerequisites – if your program blocks registeration without prior completion of a class, set it up following these steps. Be aware that setting up prerequisites for an existing program means going into EACH student profile and setting the prerequisites they have met before opening enrollment to them.

Scheduling Classes

Scheduling a multi-week Course

Schedule Single Class


Basic Message Settings

Creating Emails

Create SMS – if you plan to use the SMS integration, you create SMS templates just like creating email templates, but make them shorter so they are SMS length.

System Wide emails – FSM has a lot of automated emails build in. After creating the email, you can attach the system wide emails in the settings, 

Creating Scheduled Triggers (auto emails) – this is one of the most powerful features in FSM, sent up your emails once then have them automatically send based on customer behavior.

Optional Areas for Set-up

Private Lessons – create “private class” class types to then schedule as private lessons.

Parties– create “private class” class types to then schedule as private group parties.

Online Private Lesson Booking – set up your “private class” types to be able to be booked directly online.

Online Room Booking – allow your students to reserve a room online.

Late Cancel // No Show Fees – have the system automatically change a fee for late cancel or no show based on the membership type.

Discounts and Coupons

      Item Discounts / Rates – give someone a price discount based on their membership type.

      Discount Coupons – Create coupon codes to give discounts. Attach Coupon Codes in emails or sms or print advertising.

Add text to your Online Client – explain about your program in greater detail.

Video Live Class – FSM has Jitsi integration to offer live streamed classes. A Jitsi subscription is required to access this feature.

Video On-Demand Library – Place videos “unlisted” on YouTube and allow your clients to see them based on membership type and/or class attendance.

Payroll – FSM allows flat fee as well as hourly pricing for payroll. There is also a time clock feature.

Inventory – create and track all the products you sell via FSM.

Gift Cards

    Settings for Gift Cards

    Gift Card Sales Items

    Selling & Transferring Gift Cards

Using the Software

System Wide Icons – understand the Icons that are used system wide and you don’t control.

Adding a student

Student Profile and Member List Customization

Creating a Payment Plan at Checkout via the Admin side (instead of the Online Client via the Sales Item set-up)